The port has got a strategic positional advantage, which is defined at both the level of Pan-European Transport Network , as it is situated in the end of the Pan-European Corridor IX, and at a national level, since it’s connected with Egnatia Highway and the railway line Thessaloniki – Turkish borders / Bulgarian borders. From a national point of view, the advantages are reflected in it being chosen as a basic port of the northern axis port infrastructure and in the decision to release funds from the 2nd and 3d CSF and NSRF 2007-2013, in order to complete projects such as the external port infrastructure, the container terminal, the railway connection of the railway terminal, the dredging of the new port basin and the shipping channel and the creation of new land area by the dredging products.
It’s got the significant advantage of land area adequacy. It is one of the largest ports of the country in available land area, which was further extended through the use of excavation products from the project of the port basin and the shipping channel dredging. The low cost of acquisition of additional land surface facilitates its attraction for the installation of new uses.
The connection of the port with Egnatia Highway through Alexandroupolis new ring road has already been scheduled. Furthermore, the connection of the Conteiner Terminal of the port with the rail network completed in 2015 and there is already provision for the railway connection of the future Multi-Use Terminal.
The port is recommended as a suitable place for the construction of a Freight Centre of Alexandroupolis. This perspective reinforces the dynamics of the port.
It’s got a large new Container Terminal, with high quality flooring and sufficient depths to accommodate large container ships. The pier is available in its entirety and allows all forms of exploitation.
The hinterland of the port includes dynamic productive areas with high agricultural production and industrial zones that host dynamic export industries. This gives the port a solid foundation for transport, regarding bulk and general cargo.
The port is the main point of contact between the mainland and the island of Samothrace and secondary contact point for the islands of the North Aegean Sea. This ensures a stable coastal traffic.
The combination of the advantages mentioned renders the port a potentially very important port in North Aegean, with a horizon beyond the Greek-Bulgarian borders and with significant dynamics. The hinterland is expandable beyond the borders under certain conditions, most basic of which is the road connection with Egnatia Highway, the upgrading of the railway infrastructure in the wider area of the port, the smoothing all procedural parameters related to transport etc.