Project Title |
Project Description |
Auctioning Budget (€) |
Implementation Organization |
“Railway Connection of New Container Terminal of Port of Alexandroupolis”
The project was completed in mid-2015 |
Construction of infrastructure-superstructure of the container Terminal railway and connection to the lines complex of the Railway Station of Alexandroupolis |
4.920.000,00 (with VAT) |
“Completion of Basin Dredging and Navigation Channel Excavation”
The project was completed in late 2015. The light markingof the approach channel is expected to be completed by the end of 2016 |
a. Completion of eastern basin dredging (-12m MSL) b. Completion of excavation of the approach channel (-12.50m MSL) c. Completion of backfill deposition with dredging materials d. Protection of channel banks |
21.900.000,00 (with VAT) |
Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks/Department of Harbor works and Airfields (D4) |