With the provisions of Law 2932 / 01 “Freedom to provide services to maritime cabotage – Establishment of the General Secretariat of Ports and Port Policy – Converting Port Funds in Corporations and other provisions “(Government Gazette A ' 145), the Port Authority of Alexandroupolis (Public Entity) was converted to SA with the name ” Port of Alexandroupolis SA”, with distinctive title “OLA SA” and the Municipality of Alexandroupolis being the headquarters of the SA.
OLA SA is under the supervision of the Minister of Development, Competitiveness and Shipping. The Company's objective is to manage and exploit the properties of the port area of jurisdiction (L.2932/01, Part 3, Article 22, Chapter A a.2 – Statute).
The organization, administration and operation of the Agency shall be governed by the provisions of Law 3429/2005 (Government Gazette 314/A/27.12.2005) on Public Enterprises and Organizations (S.O.E)
Ports under the jurisdiction of OLA SA are:
·the port of Alexandroupolis and
·the fishing port of Makri
·the port of Kamariotisa, island of Samothrace
·the fishing port of Therma, island of Samothrace
The objectives of the company include:
Providing all kinds of port services to users, upgrading, maintenance, improvement and development of the port.
The provision of ship mooring and handling of passengers, vehicles, and cargo.
The installation, management and exploitation of any kind of port infrastructure.
The undertaking and implementation of programs, studies and projects for the Port Authority's activities funded by national, community or other resources included in the national port policy.
The undertaking of any activities related to the port project, and all other commercial and business activities beyond the traditional port services including especially tourism, cultural, fishing, planning and organization of port services.
The upgrade of provided services and infrastructure through technological and organizational modernization.
The care for aesthetic and functional structure of the port.
The constructive cooperation with port users and local agencies of local government, of first and second grade.
The constructive cooperation and undertaking of any activity that is related to the governing bodies and operators of the ports of the country.
The assumption of duties of the ” General Manager ” of the premises of the Port Zone as part of overall planning and development of port capacity in the country to develop a national port policy on behalf of the government and the wider community.
Any other activity that was assigned to the Port Funds as public entities.